deeptrack.backend.mie Module#
Mie scattering calculations.
This module provides functions to perform Mie scattering calculations, including computation of spherical harmonics coefficients and related operations.
Module Structure#
coefficients: Coefficients for spherical harmonics.
stratified_coefficients: Coefficients for stratified spherical harmonics.
harmonics: Evaluates spherical harmonics of the Mie field.
Define the parameters of the particle and the Mie scattering:
>>> relative_refract_index = 1.5 + 0.01j
>>> particle_radius = 0.5
>>> max_order = 5
Calculate Mie coefficients for a solid particle:
>>> from deeptrack.backend import mie
>>> A, B = mie.coefficients(relative_refract_index, particle_radius, max_order)
Print them:
>>> print("A coefficients:", A)
>>> print("B coefficients:", B)
Calculate the Mie scattering coefficients for a spherical particle. |
The first derivative of the Riccati-Bessel polynomial of the 3rd kind. |
The first derivative of the Riccati-Bessel polynomial of the 1st kind. |
The first derivative of the Riccati-Bessel polynomial of the 2nd kind. |
Calculate the spherical harmonics of the Mie field. |
The Riccati-Bessel polynomial of the 3rd kind. |
The Riccati-Bessel polynomial of the 1st kind. |
The Riccati-Bessel polynomial of the 2nd kind. |
Calculate the Mie scattering coefficients for stratified spherical particles. |