- class deeptrack.features.Feature(_input: Any = [], **kwargs: Dict[str, Any])#
Base feature class.
Features define the image generation process. All features operate on lists of images. Most features, such as noise, apply some tranformation to all images in the list. This transformation can be additive, such as adding some Gaussian noise or a background illumination, or non-additive, such as introducing Poisson noise or performing a low-pass filter. This transformation is defined by the method get(image, **kwargs), which all implementations of the class Feature need to define.
Whenever a Feature is initiated, all keyword arguments passed to the constructor will be wrapped as a Property, and stored in the properties attribute as a PropertyDict. When a Feature is resolved, the current value of each property is sent as input to the get method.
- _input‘Image’ or List[‘Image’], optional
Defines a list of DeepTrackNode objects that calculate the input of the feature. In most cases, this can be left empty.
- **kwargsDict[str, Any]
All Keyword arguments will be wrapped as instances of Property and included in the properties attribute.
- propertiesPropertyDict
A dict that contains all keyword arguments passed to the constructor wrapped as Distributions. A sampled copy of this dict is sent as input to the get function, and is appended to the properties field of the output image.
- __list_merge_strategy__int
Controls how the output of .get(image, **kwargs) is merged with the input list. It can be MERGE_STRATEGY_OVERRIDE (0, default), where the input is replaced by the new list, or MERGE_STRATEGY_APPEND (1), where the new list is appended to the end of the input list.
- __distributed__bool
Controls whether .get(image, **kwargs) is called on each element in the list separately (__distributed__ = True), or if it is called on the list as a whole (__distributed__ = False).
- __property_memorability__int
Controls whether to store the features properties to the Image. Values 1 or lower will be included by default.
- __conversion_table__ConversionTable
A ConversionTable that is used to convert properties of the feature to the desired units.
- __gpu_compatible__bool
Controls whether to use GPU acceleration for the feature.
- get(
image: Union[‘Image’, List[‘Image’]], **kwargs: Any
- ) -> Union[‘Image’, List[‘Image’]]
Abstract method that defines how the feature transforms the input.
- __call__(image_list: Optional[Union[Image, List[Image]]] = None,
_ID: Tuple[int, …] = (), **kwargs: Any) -> Any
Executes the feature or pipeline on the input and applies property overrides from kwargs.
- store_properties(x: bool = True, recursive: bool = True) -> None
Controls whether the properties are stored in the output Image object.
- torch(dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None, device: Optional[torch.device] = None,
permute_mode: str = “never”) -> ‘Feature’
Converts the feature into a PyTorch-compatible feature.
- batch(batch_size: int = 32) -> Union[tuple, List[Image]]
Batches the feature for repeated execution.
- seed(_ID: Tuple[int, …] = ()) -> None
Sets the random seed for the feature, ensuring deterministic behavior.
Methods Summary
([image_list, _ID])Execute the feature or pipeline.
([_ID])Core logic to create or transform the image.
(feature)Adds a feature to the dependecy graph of this one.
([batch_size])Batch the feature.
(arguments)Bind another feature’s properties as arguments to this feature.
(image, **kwargs)Transform an image [abstract method].
([input_image, resolve_kwargs, interval])Visualizes the output of the feature.
([image_list, _ID])Execute the feature or pipeline.
([_ID])Seed the random number generator.
([toggle, recursive])Control whether to return an Image object.
([dtype, device, permute_mode])Convert the feature to a PyTorch feature.
(**global_arguments)Refresh the feature to create a new image.
Methods Documentation
- __call__(image_list: Image | List[Image] | None = None, _ID: Tuple[int, ...] = (), **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) Any #
Execute the feature or pipeline.
This method executes the feature or pipeline on the provided input and updates the computation graph if necessary. It handles overriding properties using additional keyword arguments.
The actual computation is performed by calling the parent __call__ method in the DeepTrackNode class, which manages lazy evaluation and caching.
- image_list‘Image’ or List[‘Image’], optional
The input to the feature or pipeline. If None, the feature uses previously set input values or propagates properties.
- **kwargsDict[str, Any]
Additional parameters passed to the pipeline. These override properties with matching names. For example, calling feature(x, value=4) executes feature on the input x while setting the property value to 4. All features in a pipeline are affected by these overrides.
- Any
The output of the feature or pipeline after execution.
- action(_ID: Tuple[int, ...] = ()) Image | List[Image] #
Core logic to create or transform the image.
It creates or transforms the input image by calling the method get() with the correct inputs.
- _IDTuple[int, …]
The ID of the current execution.
- Image or List[Image]
The resolved image or list of images.
- add_feature(feature: Feature) Feature #
Adds a feature to the dependecy graph of this one.
- featureFeature
The feature to add as a dependency.
- Feature
The newly added feature (for chaining).
- batch(batch_size: int = 32) tuple | List[Image] #
Batch the feature.
It produces a batch of outputs by repeatedly calling update() and __call__().
- batch_sizeint
Number of times to sample or generate data.
- tuple or List[‘Image’]
A tuple of stacked arrays (if the outputs are numpy arrays or torch tensors) or a list of images if the outputs are not stackable.
- bind_arguments(arguments: Feature) Feature #
Bind another feature’s properties as arguments to this feature.
Often used internally by advanced features or pipelines.
See features.Arguments.
- get(image: Image | List[Image], **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) Image | List[Image] #
Transform an image [abstract method].
Abstract method that defines how the feature transforms the input. The current value of all properties will be passed as keyword arguments.
- image‘Image’ or List[‘Image’]
The Image or list of images to transform.
- **kwargsDict[str, Any]
The current value of all properties in properties as well as any global arguments.
- ‘Image’ or List[‘Image’]
The transformed image or list of images.
- NotImplementedError
Must be overridden by subclasses.
- plot(input_image: Image | None = None, resolve_kwargs: dict | None = None, interval: float | None = None, **kwargs)#
Visualizes the output of the feature.
Resolves the feature and visualizes the result. If the output is an Image, show it using pyplot.imshow. If the output is a list, create an Animation. For notebooks, the animation is played inline using to_jshtml(). For scripts, the animation is played using the matplotlib backend.
Any parameters in kwargs will be passed to pyplot.imshow.
- input_imageImage or List[Image], optional
Passed as argument to resolve call
- resolve_kwargsdict, optional
Passed as kwarg arguments to resolve call
- intervalfloat
The time between frames in animation in ms. Default 33.
- kwargs
keyword arguments passed to the method pyplot.imshow()
- resolve(image_list: Image | List[Image] | None = None, _ID: Tuple[int, ...] = (), **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) Any #
Execute the feature or pipeline.
This method executes the feature or pipeline on the provided input and updates the computation graph if necessary. It handles overriding properties using additional keyword arguments.
The actual computation is performed by calling the parent __call__ method in the DeepTrackNode class, which manages lazy evaluation and caching.
- image_list‘Image’ or List[‘Image’], optional
The input to the feature or pipeline. If None, the feature uses previously set input values or propagates properties.
- **kwargsDict[str, Any]
Additional parameters passed to the pipeline. These override properties with matching names. For example, calling feature(x, value=4) executes feature on the input x while setting the property value to 4. All features in a pipeline are affected by these overrides.
- Any
The output of the feature or pipeline after execution.
- seed(_ID: Tuple[int, ...] = ()) None #
Seed the random number generator.
- _IDTuple[int, …], optional
Unique identifier for parallel evaluations.
- store_properties(toggle: bool = True, recursive: bool = True) None #
Control whether to return an Image object.
If selected True, the output of the evaluation of the feature is an Image object that also contains the properties.
- togglebool
If True, store properties. If False, do not store.
- recursivebool
If True, also set the same behavior for all dependent features.
- torch(dtype=None, device=None, permute_mode: str = 'never') Feature #
Convert the feature to a PyTorch feature.
- dtypetorch.dtype, optional
The data type of the output.
- devicetorch.device, optional
The target device of the output (e.g., CPU or GPU).
- permute_modestr
Controls whether to permute image axes for PyTorch. Defaults to “never”.
- Feature
The transformed, PyTorch-compatible feature.