
class deeptrack.backend.units.ConversionTable(**conversions)#

Bases: object

Convert a dictionary of values to the desired units.

The conversions are specified in the constructor. Each key in the dictionary corresponds to the name of a property. The value of the key is a tuple of two units. The first unit is the default unit, and the second is the desired unit.

To convert a dictionary of values to the desired units, the convert method is called with the dictionary as an argument. The dictionary is converted to a dictionary of quantities, and the quantities are converted to the desired units. If any value is not a quantity, it is assumed to be in the default unit. If a value with the same key is not in self.conversions, it is left unchanged.



The dictionary of conversions. Each key is the name of a property, and the value is a tuple of two units. The first unit is the default unit, and the second is the desired unit.

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