
class Any | None = None, **kwargs: Dict[str, Property])#

Bases: Property

Property that yields different values for sequential steps.

The SequentialProperty extends the standard Property to handle scenarios where the property’s value evolves over discrete steps, such as frames in a video, time-series data, or any sequential process. At each step, it selects whether to use the initialization function (step = 0) or the current function (steps >= 1). It also keeps track of all previously generated values, allowing to refer back to them if needed.


initializationAny, optional

A sampling rule for the first step of the sequence (step=0). Can be any value or callable that is acceptable to Property. If not provided, the initial value is None.

**kwargsDict[str, Property]

Additional dependencies that might be required if initialization is a callable. These dependencies are injected when evaluating initialization.



A Property holding the total number of steps in the sequence. Initialized to 0 by default.


A Property holding the index of the current step (starting at 0).


A Property returning all previously stored values up to, but not including, the current value and the previous value.


A Property returning the most recently stored value, or None if there is no history yet.

initializationCallable[…, Any], optional

A function to compute the value at step=0. If None, the property returns None at the first step.

currentCallable[…, Any]

A function to compute the value at steps >= 1. By default, it returns None.

actionCallable[…, Any]

Overrides the default Property.action to select between initialization (if sequence_step is 0) or current (otherwise).


_action_override(_ID: Tuple[int, …]) -> Any

Internal logic to pick which function (initialization or current) to call based on the sequence_step.

store(value: Any, _ID: Tuple[int, …] = ()) -> None

Store a newly computed value in the property’s internal list of previously generated values.

current_value(_ID: Tuple[int, …] = ()) -> Any

Retrieve the value associated with the current step index.

__call__(_ID: Tuple[int, …] = ()) -> Any

Evaluate the property at the current step, returning either the initialization (if step=0) or current value (if step>0).


>>> import deeptrack as dt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> seq_prop = dt.SequentialProperty()
>>> seq_prop.current = lambda _ID=(): seq_prop.sequence_step() + 1
>>> for step in range(seq_prop.sequence_length()):
...     current_value = seq_prop.current()
...     print([()].current_value())
[1, 2]
[1, 2, 3]
[1, 2, 3, 4]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Methods Summary


Evaluate the property at the current step.


Retrieve the value corresponding to the current step.

store(value[, _ID])

Append value to the internal list of previously generated values.

Methods Documentation

__call__(_ID: Tuple[int, ...] = ()) Any#

Evaluate the property at the current step.

It returns either the initialization (if step=0) or the result of self.current.


_IDTuple[int, …], optional

A unique identifier for parallel evaluations.



The computed value for this step.

current_value(_ID: Tuple[int, ...] = ()) Any#

Retrieve the value corresponding to the current step.

It expects that each step’s value has been stored. If no value has been stored for this step, it thorws an IndexError.


_IDTuple[int, …], optional

A unique identifier for separate parallel evaluations.



The value stored at the index = self.sequence_step(_ID=_ID).

store(value: Any, _ID: Tuple[int, ...] = ()) None#

Append value to the internal list of previously generated values.

It retrieves the existing list of values for this _ID. If this _ID has never been used, it starts an empty list



The value to store, e.g., the output from calling self().

_IDTuple[int, …], optional

A unique identifier that allows the property to keep separate histories for different parallel evaluations.



If no existing data for this _ID, it initializes an empty list.